Intelligent Automation Membership

Now you can support our Mission and take part in the global community of IA professionals!

IA Congress Membership
IA Congress Membership


The membership for the Intelligent Automation Congress is open to anyone who is interested in supporting the mission of the Congress, which is to educate honestly and independently on Intelligent Automation.

By becoming a member, you will be able to make the mission of the Congress possible. This means that you will be actively supporting the efforts to educate people about the potential of Intelligent Automation and how it can be used to improve daily work.


As a member, you will receive free admission to all of the Congress’s events with the “Member” status. This includes access to seminars, conferences, and workshops, where you can learn about the latest developments in the field of Intelligent Automation and interact with other professionals.
* If you represent a service provider or a vendor, ask for the special condition for the sponsorship or attendance. 

In addition, you will have your picture and bio featured on the Congress’s website as a member, which can help raise your profile and connect you with other like-minded individuals.
As a member, you will also be mentioned on the Congress’s social networks, which can help you expand your network and reach a wider audience.

You will have free access to the Congress’s whitepapers. These are in-depth reports on various aspects of Intelligent Automation, which can provide valuable insights and information for anyone interested in the field.

In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, as a Professional member of the Intelligent Automation Congress, you will also have access to the widest and most skilled network on IA. This includes online and in-person meetings, workshops, and think tanks, where you can connect with other IA professionals, share knowledge, and collaborate on new ideas.


In summary, by becoming a member of the Intelligent Automation Congress, you will be supporting the mission of the Congress and gaining access to a range of benefits, including free admission to events, exposure on the Congress's website and social networks, and free access to valuable resources such as whitepapers.

Become a Member

- Make our mission possible - Free admission to all our events with the "Member" status. - Pic & Bio on our website as Member (if requested) - Mention on our social networks - Free access to our whitepapers - Access to the widest and most skilled network on IA (online and presence meetings, workshops and think tank) - Discounts in our shop


The Enterprise Membership is an excellent choice for businesses and organizations that want to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Intelligent Automation and connect with other professionals in the field. With a range of exclusive benefits, including customized event content and dedicated networking sessions, the Enterprise Membership can help businesses leverage the potential of Intelligent Automation for their organization's success.

Access to all Congress events for up to 5 employees – This includes free admission to all of the Congress’s events, such as seminars, conferences, and workshops, for up to 5 employees of the enterprise.

The enterprise will be recognized as an Enterprise Member on the Congress’s website, which can help raise the profile of the organization and demonstrate its commitment to the field of Intelligent Automation.


The Congress can work with the enterprise to develop customized event content that aligns with the organization’s specific needs and interests.

The enterprise will have the right to distribute the Congress’s whitepapers to its employees and stakeholders, which can provide valuable insights and information on Intelligent Automation.


The enterprise will have exclusive access to a dedicated networking session with other Enterprise Members, where they can connect with like-minded professionals and share best practices.


The enterprise will be eligible for special rates for additional employees who want to attend Congress events or become individual members of the Congress.


Become a Member - Enterprise

- Make our mission possible - Access to all Congress events - Customized event content - Pic & Abstract on our website - Recognition as an Enterprise Member - Whitepaper distribution rights - Exclusive access to a dedicated networking session - Special enterprise rates - Discounts in our shop
IA Enterprise

Intelligent Automation Membership

The Congress provides a unique opportunity to network with a diverse range of professionals, including academics, researchers, business leaders, and policymakers, all of whom are passionate about the potential of Intelligent Automation. This can be a great way to expand your horizons and learn about new applications, technologies, and best practices in the field.

Through the Congress's online platform and presence meetings, you will have the opportunity to participate in discussions, share insights, and collaborate on projects with other members of the IA community. You can also attend workshops and think tanks, where you can delve deeper into specific topics and explore new areas of interest.

Overall, access to the widest and most skilled network on IA is a significant benefit of becoming a member of the Intelligent Automation Congress. It can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field, connect with other professionals, and collaborate on innovative new projects.

Intelligent Automation Congress was born with the mission to promote and spread the subjects of Intelligent Automation, AI, innovations, and all the topics that will help us to change (and hopefully get it better) our daily work.



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